Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Facebook & Twitter

I initially signed up for Facebook a while ago to try to follow my grown up children who were always discussing photos that they had posted or things that they had been doing etc.  They always knew what each sibling or cousin had been up to ALL the time.  I would phone to let them know about something and they already knew because the first one I spoke to had facebooked it for the others.  I felt I was missing out on the photos, no one seems to sit and share an old fashioned photo album anymore.  I am not so fussed about the 'having' to know everything about everybody all the time.  I initially thought it would be a wonderful thing to be able to put my many, many photos onto facebook, so any one could access them if they were interested.  I began well, but that initial burst of interest and enthusiasm has waned somewhat.  I actually believe, now that I have learnt about Blogging that I will blog in future, as that actually marries up images with text which will actually suit my purposes better.
Libraries need to have a Facebook page linked to the COM website.  Maybe the City of Mandurah should also embrace this technology as it would be a useful tool in the events, tourism, youth and marketing areas.  We must have a presence in the cyber world.

What you normally hear of twitter is the very frivilous rantings of celebrities, which do not interest me at all.  It is interesting to note that lately a lot of tv programmes have incorporated twitter into their communications/promotions, including news and current affairs programmes.  Is this reaching out and including the younger multi-technical generation? 
I have found some very interesting sites that I know I will follow eg. travel, I am just not so sure that I need to twitter about my activities.
While I don't believe I will use it in a personal/private (I use the term loosely) capacity, I can see it being a useful tool in libraries.  Sending out information on new titles, events and happenings and other relevant library material.  Brilliant idea.  We must be in the space where people are and there are many, many people in twitter.


  1. I find that I'm "stalking"/following celebrities rather than posting twitts - It's just too tiresome to keep having to post stuff!

  2. I am following some book publishers on twitter and the regular twitter postings on current information about authors, book titles and events I am receiving is fabulous.
