Monday, 9 May 2011


This is a very handy tool. While I was studying I kept coming across some very interesting sites with inspirational ideas that could be useful in our libraries.  I emailed the links to the people who I thought may have been interested in them as that was the only way of passing on the relevant address.  While I also emailed it to myself, that means I have to either mark it as a favourite on my computer, or trawl through old emails looking for the link.  Delicious is obviously a far better way of storing and sourcing these links for both yourself and also others who may be interested in the same sort of information.

Library Thing

found this very easy to sign up for and use.  It has been a great addition to the Mandurah Library online catalogue, which, when searching for an item brings up  similar genre titles, provides information and links by either author, title or tags.  Very easy to click links and discover a myriad of further reading items.

Wiki Part IV

A wiki is a good tool for discussing things in a library environment. I am trying to weigh up if it would be better than a Blog site.  The point of difference is that a wiki can be edited by anyone, so you could lose the ‘history’ of the conversation string.  Therefore a blog site may be a better option.  What worries me is that you have to log in to all these different sites.  At least we check emails regularly and they are directed to the people who should be reading them, they just are not the correct forum for a group discussion.